So what am I all about? Am I here to amuse you? Like a clown? How am I funny? (sorry I'm just a simple Goodfella at heart, kudos if you get the obvious reference gang) As I've realized I haven't told you guys what the purpose of Roebot Films (blogs anyway, and I guess the company). Roebot Films is actually derived from my former co-company Android+Roebot Films, that fell apart so I rescued my name and brought it back for my own personal company. What I hope to do is eventually make features, who doesn't want to make the big Hollywood films? (well maybe you guys don't, chances are you want to teach, or be a doctor, you know something worthwhile) But I need to start somewhere and this is my plank to walk from.
When I created short films in the past (2 out of the 3 got recognized) I realized that I actually do possess some form of talent in this specific field. So I got to thinking, why don't I just do it all on my own and hopefully, one day some Warner Bros. (or Focus Features, my favorite) Executive will walk up to me and say "MAKE ME A MOVIE!"
I will work for you...I swear it (image) |
I was told to create this blog, not by my girlfriend, not by my friends, not even my mother told me to do this (she told me to buy a domain name, once again that's getting a bit far ahead of where I am right now) Instead it was told to me by a marketing executive from a company I've never heard of. Why did I listen? Who was this random woman trying to give me advice on breaking into the industry? Because she was having lunch with a director (don't worry I was waiting on their table, not just some random guy creeping on their conversation). Mind you he wasn't Tarantino or Scorsese, but he was still a director (in fact he even wore a hat that said that and a Paramount jacket) and that's all the proof I needed.
She told me "Get yourself a following, social media, blog, anything! Get yourself that audience, so when it's time for you to join the ranks you have your army all set to go."
The "Roebot" Army...get it? (image) |
So this will be a daily blog, so expect something new and exciting to fill your bain hole every single day (unless stated otherwise)
Monday: Nothing or just a daily blog post.
Tuesday: Nothing or just a daily blog post.
Wednesday: Production updates (i.e photos, posters, stories, catching you up on what I'm up to so you're in the know.)
Thursday: Nothing or just a daily blog post.
Friday: Film Friday, where I talk about certain movies that have inspired me, and their creators.
Saturday: Nothing or just a daily blog post.
and Sunday: Nothing or just a daily blog post.
So as you can see, it's nothing major. Just two things you can look out for. I'll give you guys a reason to come back honestly. I just want you all to have as much enjoyment reading and commenting as I will writing these blogs.
After all it keeps my brain active and an active brain is better than an inactive one(because you'd be dead).
Roebot Offline.
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