Roebot Online.
As anyone will tell you in the world, it takes money to get anywhere (save for your stoop, or the street). Hollywood however doesn't just need money, it demands money. The industry revolves around the Jacksons and the Franklins (quick, who is on those bills?), and you need both to get anywhere worth mentioning.
There is no way to make a film for nothing, that's the sad truth.
The Red...the most expensive camera to exist.
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The moment you buy a camera, or even pay for a camera phone, you have officially invested money in your career as a film maker, no ifs ans or buts about it. As much as I would love to have a story where I just happen to stumble by a Canon 5D Mark II, with an 84GB SD Card and a Macbook Pro preloaded with Final Cut Studio X, that just won't happen (a guy can dream though right?).
So what is someone like you supposed to do? Someone who wants to create but cannot afford all the wonderful amenities that would come with being super rich.? Easy, balance money.
You just gotta find that balance.
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I know a lot of people have trouble with that, I did when I was younger (that's why my DVD collection is over 300 strong). Here are some helpful tips I can give you when it comes to trying to balance money about.
Wall Street teaches you how to properly get money.
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Instead of eating out all the time, buy the ingredients you want to eat what you were going when you went out. You'll be able to make that meal four times over! When it comes to an editing program there are a lot online that are free/a small amount that do pretty well. At the moment I use AVS4You which was free, it gets the job done (not Final Cut obviously).
Don't buy a camera that's over $1,000 unless you plan on having that with you AT ALL TIMES! (I have a friend who has a $4,000 camera that he barely uses) You need to make sure the money you invest in trying to make your films look good, is something you can use on a daily basis.
When it boils down to it, money sucks. You can either buy everything you want (because you're Billy Gates) or you struggle to make ends meet. Sure there is that comfort level, but you don't want to spend a whole lot because you're worried about being knocked down a bracket. The thing is, don't worry about that comfort level. My mantra is "Money comes and money goes." Spend like you mean it, but do spend wisely.
Couldn't have said it better myself
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The fact of the matter is money can't buy you happiness, your dreams make you happy. It just sucks that they kind of need one another. Damn you money, you green conniving bitch.
Roebot Offline.
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