Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Finding Films Offensive

Roebot Online.

As the weekend has come to an end, it's no surprise that Hollywood is facing massive backlash due to the unfortunate incident in Aurora, CO (if you haven't heard about it, you live under a rock). 12 murdered, over 50 injured, in what is supposed to be a safe environment, the movie theater. It's a sad day when people are scared to go see a film just because of one nutter.

The theater where the massacre took place
 Nolan released this statement in response "The movie theatre is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me." And truer words have never been spoken. Many attempt to find solace in a theater, escape into something amazing and fantastic, not be concerning themselves with checking every fire escape in case some guy comes in gun blazing.

Somber Nolan is somber.
But the reason I'm talking about this (which is surprising even me, I'm sick of hearing about the whole damned thing) is because of something that Warner Bros. decided to do today. In September they were to release a film called Gangster Squad, set back in Hollywood's hayday following a group of cops that go off the books to try and right the wrongs of so many gangsters.

Looks awesome right?
If you haven't seen the trailer (good like finding the unedited one) there is a scene depicting gunmen walking through a movie theater's screen and shooting up the place. We have no idea what the context is, but one can assume it's to "take out the trash", so what's the big deal? Well isn't it obvious? It shows a lack of tact for those who were affected by the attacks...yeah...right...


Now had this film not already shot the scene, written the scene, and advertised the scene this wouldn't be a problem. However they hit all three (the wonderful film hattrick) and teased many individuals with the idea of "Holy cow, that looks awesome!" Instead it is now a blight on the film and they have removed it from the trailers.

But wait...that's not all they have also decided that the scene will be removed from the film entirely and re-shoots will need to take its place. What the hell!? This film isn't coming out in summer it's coming out in fall, those of you who would be offended could just simply close their eyes during that scene but instead WB has decided to outright censor it.

Get it?
Where do we draw the line? Yes this may be your generic gangster killing movie, guns, sex, violence and all but it is still a piece of art! No one should ever willingly censor art, no matter how the public feels about it.

If this is so damn offensive, why don't we cut out 9/11 references from every movie? Why not go back to films that depict the Twin Towers and digitally alter them out (oh wait there is a list). Better yet, how about we no longer show suicide in films because people kill themselves on a daily basis!? I ask you, WHEN DOES IT STOP!!?

I'm very passionate about art, film especially (if you couldn't tell already), and I strongly disagree with the idea of re-shooting some parts to very discretely cover it up. It just doesn't seem fair in the slightest, especially when it was an isolated incident. Now had multiple attacks across the nation sparked up, yeah maybe then I could see it happening, but even then that's a stretch.

The film is in no way glorifying mass murder in a movie theater. It is not telling you "hey this is a good idea" instead it simply is just illustrating a scene that was probably pivotal to the movie (thus the re-shoots). But I understand completely, I get it, you don't want to turn away your audience and I understand that. However, this was clearly going to be an R-rated film, no ifs ands or buts about it. So why bother with this one thing? Hell I would be okay with them even putting a viewer discretion sticker on there, OH WAIT that's the MPAA rating. The fact is, no matter what you do you will always offend someone. It takes courage to say "Hey, I'm not going to mind if this offends you, take it for what it is." That's what artists do, but unfortunately it's not what production companies do.

I always knew what it was built on.
I know it's all for the sake of getting money, they want to look good to public and all that jazz but just as a service for the rest of us, who don't really mind when things push the limit, just push it this once. Let this scene stay in the film, it looked incredible. But my calls shall go unheeded, I'll be muted out while they count their cash.

And that folks is Hollywood, that is the industry I want to be a part of, and even silly little things like this won't stop my love for going to the movies, crazy whackjobs or cutting things out and all. I still love film, now and forever.

Roebot Offline.

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